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Any bone injury, whether it be a slight fracture or a complete break, takes a long time to recover and can often have long term consequences. Therefore, knowing if you are at a higher risk for getting a bone injury is essential to ensure that you can apply as many prevention techniques as possible to prevent this from occurring.

Let’s start off by looking at the different types of bone injuries. Your bones are extremely strong and do have the ability to bend if some force is applied to them. However, if this force becomes too great then a bone break (also known as a bone fracture) will inevitably occur.

Regardless of the type of bone fracture that occurs, most of the signs and symptoms remain the same. These include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Warmth
  • Problems with movement

Unfortunately, bone fractures can be caused by anything from car accidents to exercise, making it difficult to avoid them completely. However, there are lifestyle changes that you can make that may help to decrease your risk of obtaining a fracture.

When it comes to training, resistance training is a great way to increase your bone mineral density and therefore decrease your risk of bone injuries. When including resistance training, it will help to increase your bone strength through the principle of mechanical loading. If you do decide to include some resistance training, structure your weight-training session in the following way:

  • Perform 8-12 reps of each exercise
  • Perform each chosen exercise for 3-4 sets
  • Rest for 60-90 seconds between each set

Now that you know more about the different types of bone fractures and how to decrease your risk through a few simple lifestyle changes, it is important that you look at your own risk factors. To find out if you have a higher predisposition to developing a bone injury and to know which nutrients will support your optimal bone health, make the better choice and choose ImmuwellgxTM today!


  • DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center. (2020, May 17). Foot & Ankle Stress Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments. Retrieved from DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center: 
  • Editorial Staff. (2019, May 28). Difference between an Open and a Closed Fracture. Retrieved from Difference Guru:
  • J. Gordon Betts, K. A. (2013). Chapter 6 – Fractures: Bone Repair. In O. College, Anatomy & Physiology. Houston, Texas: OpenStax College. Retrieved from Lumen Learning:
  • Stroboli. (2019). Anatomy (Bone Disorders + Articulations). Retrieved from Quizlet:
  • Synthes, D. (n.d.). Vertebral Compression Fracture Overview. Retrieved from Johnson & Johnson:


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